Saturday, July 25

The Wise One

I’ve been meaning to blog about my last trip to India for a while… but then life got in the way!
Today, i just felt like doing something to make me feel good n feel warm… pictures help me more than humans and luckily today of all days, I stumbled upon a few gems. Growing up, I felt cheated being an only child. I felt i was doomed to a life of loneliness amongst cousins who always had ‘real’-siblings to stick with… I also never got a chance to get close to any of my grandparents but in the last two years I was blessed to have the opportunity to spend some time with my sole-surviving-grandfather – my ‘nannaa’ (my mother’s father).
With almost a century of experience under his belt, the man is like an encyclopedia. As a man in uniform, he lived most of his young-adult life away from his family. God took his wife in his mid-30s and left him with 6-kids to raise, the youngest being around 5. Even in a family of 7, i can’t imagine how lonely he must have felt at that time. He stuck to his faith and focused on the important things. He devoted the rest of his life to his oldest-daughter who also lost a spouse and spent a lonely life.
As life took its toll, it was faith that gave ‘em strength.
Nannaa’s life is a lesson I will always learn from and he is someone I’ll always be thankful for. Nanaa-02

Nanaa-01 Nanaa-03 Nanaa-04

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